Pastor Welcome

Pastor Welcome

On behalf of myself, Pastor Ryan Mason, and the rest of our church staff, we are grateful you’ve decided to visit our website!

We hope to provide you with helpful information about who we are as a church and ways you can get involved. To begin with, we exist to glorify God. Having professed faith in the completed work of Jesus Christ, we believe the church gathers together regularly for the purpose of making Christ known throughout Hilliard and the rest of the globe.

During our time together, we strive to serve the Lord Jesus Christ through singing, praying, faithful expository preaching, and serving one another in love. We also believe when our time together is over, it is the responsibility of every Christian to share the good news of Jesus to all who are lost.

Please know, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey; whether you’re a skeptic, a committed follower of Jesus, or you have no religious back ground at all, you’re welcome at First Baptist Church Hilliard. For the Bible tells us we are all desperately in need of the grace and hope that Jesus alone can provide! I hope to see you next Sunday!


Pastor Ryan Mason