Ministering to people is one of the main things we’re about here at First Baptist Church Hilliard. We have ministries for all stages of life, from newborns to senior adults. Each ministry is specially tailored to meet the needs of its specific target group. Not all ministries are based on how old you are either. You’ll find music, media, men’s, women’s, and much more.
Find a place you can get involved with us here at First Baptist Church Hilliard!

At First Baptist, we believe the call to make disciples of all nations is not a suggestion, but rather a command (Matt. 28:19-20). As a result, we believe missions and outreach is best accomplished by giving and going.

Sunday School
Sunday school offers a setting for you to learn about God’s Word through an interactive Bible study lesson. It also provides an opportunity for you to develop meaningful relationships within a smaller community of believers. Whatever your age or stage in life, there’s a Sunday school class for you and your family members!

Nursery & Preschool
At First Baptist, your children will learn about God’s love as early as infancy. We strive to help build a firm foundation on which your little ones can grow and by God’s grace one day enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our volunteers strive to create an environment where your preschooler can sing, play, and learn about Jesus and His love for them. Our desire is that each preschooler feel secure and happy while in our care and ministry.
Nursery and Preschool is available during both Wednesday and Sunday activities.

At First Baptist, we believe the call to make disciples of all nations is not a suggestion, but rather a command (Matt. 28:19-20). As a result, we believe missions and outreach is best accomplished by giving and going.

Our youth ministry exists to assist parents in raising their children in fear and admonition of the Lord. Focusing on middle school and high school students, our leaders strive to help students experience discipleship geared to meet them where they are in life. Through in-depth bible study, meaningful fellowship, and intentional service in our community, First Baptist longs for young people to grow not only in their relationship with Jesus Christ, but also one another.